arayun shinozaki
❝The Devil is a loser - and he's my bitch.❞
❝To know your enemy, you must become your enemy.❞ | identity information

「♕」 Name: Arayun Shinozaki | あらゆん しのざき
「♕」 Epithet | Alias:
✯ The Headhunter — During the service in Hunter-nin corps, Arayun did not show any mercy towards her targets. She was the most brutal assassin, who had often brought severed heads as a proof of her hunt. Due to such morbidity that kept a tradition, she gained this alias, that she proudly keeps.
✯ The Thunder's Wrath — Arayun was always fighting with lightning release. It was helping her much more and most of her techniques rely on them. Once when she became a wielder of Kiba swords, she reached the peak of her power. The way how she utilizes the lightning from chakra into the natural one is admiring, and because of the aggressive fighting style, she earned the alias that is markable.
✯ The Corpse Eater — For a long while, Arayun served her village as a doctor. She spent most of her work time in morgue though. An outstanding alias like this was only a consequence; when the world had seen her ability to eat corpses, they were ultimately disgusted. Arayun even used her strange ability to investigate the reason of death, which brought up this name.
「♕」 Gender: Female
「♕」 Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
「♕」 Age: Arayun is twenty seven (27) years old. Born on the 20th April, her star sign would be an Aries.
「♕」 Height: 171.8 cm
「♕」 Weight: 76.3 kg.
「♕」 Blood Type: Thankfully, Arayun has a positive blood type, being AB positive.
❝I've never met anyone like her. A relentless warrior of a lion's spirit is rare, but it's even more rare to see such a combination in a spirit of a woman who converts it into anger. Like a wild animal, she strives to physically detach someone, and then eat them! She won't even let anyone die like a hero or villain, no. She will ruin them, so even God cannot recognize that poor soul. A monster, a killing machine...who seeks for a redemption, coated in blood.❞
Ever since she was a young girl, Arayun possessed strong confidence and iron will. Hell could freeze over and she would still go, until it kills her. Arayun is very durable and stable person, who can be extremely stubborn and hard to deal with. She is very bold, honest and unfiltered person, with the sarcasm dripping off her words. Arayun is impulsive, quick-witted and open-minded, very easy to be pissed off and just annoyed. She prefers to simply not gauge into an argument, but if she has to do so, Arayun can be very toxic and harsh. She is said to have more flaws than virtues, because of her both hot temper and generally being prone to the violence. Despite the whole mountain of the negative traits, Arayun holds some important traits; one of them being patience. Although it doesn't appear visible at the start, when people try to meet her better, they can notice how patient she actually is. Arayun is very intelligent and tactical thinker, though she is willing to become bloodthirsty and gruesome if needed. She doesn't care about the world outside - everyone can die, for all that she cares. When it comes to situations regarding the loyalties, Arayun is fully loyal to Kirigakure; there is nothing that would make her disloyal or even go rogue. Arayun isn't the one to pry into other people's business and would rather just keep things for herself, however, if she finds someone being a threat, she will dig out all the information from the person. On the other hand, she has times where she is just calm and uninterested, which often can show the slightly flirty side. During her free time, she changes many moods, sometimes more friendly and sometimes she would just eat you alive. When it comes to people; Arayun is pure nihilist. She'd rather have everyone gone. But even then, she still appears to show respect towards those of higher status, as long as she isn't annoyed at the given moment. She is ready to risk anything for someone, but it's hard to put trust into anyone, so she will rather keep the stereotype of being a selfish cannibal.
「♕」 Status: Alive, unfortunately for the many.
「♕」 Affiliation: Kusagakure (草隠れの里) Formerly born in Kusagakure, Arayun remained affiliated with them. | Kirigakure (霧隠れの里) | She affiliates herself with the Land of Water, and she remains loyal to it.
「♕」 Affiliation Rank: A - rank Hunter nin.
「♕」 Occupation: Shinobi (忍) & Forensic Pathologist
「♚」 Alignment: Neutral Evil | While Arayun doesn't like to take sides and usually makes sure that she is out of other people's business, she does have tendency to be very hostile, and even be petty, so she purposely eats her targets while they are alive.
Arayun is a beautiful woman known for her expertise in medical ninjutsu and, oddly enough, kenjutsu. Arayun has an hourglass shaped body, with more emphasis on her hips. She has an admiring well-defined athletic figure which is a result of the harsh training she put herself through in order to achieve such a well-built body. Over her arms she has swirling tattoos of clouds and the tail of a dragon, while the full tattoo of a dragon is placed on her first half of a back. Even on her fingers she has small mandala tattoos, that give details to her fingers. A few scars can be found here and there though. Arayun's eyes are one of her features that stand out the most. Strangely enough, Arayun has unusual yellow eyes. They can be compared to Citrine. They are a bit upturned. Arayun possesses bow shaped lips which are often covered in dark red or dark purple lipstick, which is what she usually prefers. Arayun's hair is unruly and spiky, which is hard to tame. Arayun likes to keep it tied up, and a bit of hair would rest by the frame of her face. The hair is of black color.
❝You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I'll show you justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear.❞ | Combat information

「♕」Capabilities: Arayun is one highly capable woman who spreads fear for a long time. Being trained under the previous Mizukage and Hunter nin leader, Arayun had to work a lot to keep herself worth of being sent at missions. She is known mainly for her fighting style, which involves very aggressive combat and erratic moves, in which she doesn't allow opponent to read her; there will be no clear taijutsu seen or some martial art, it's always some combination and depends on the given situation. She is flexible, which gives her room to adjust on the battle, whether will it be a long ranged one or a short ranged fight. Arayun was always morbid and bloodthirsty fighter, and she had a need to make the opponent bleed, because of her personal liking towards the scent of blood. It's more likely related to her antichrist habits, which would involve later devoring her opponent. Arayun has an admirng physical strength which is catching up with her stamina. Having natural raw power like that, Arayun had exceeded in close combat and hand-to-hand fights, as her hits were strong enough to break someone's bones. Her own bones are strong as well, which is notable when you see her biting someone's bones with her own teeth. Regardless, that isn't only thing that makes her strong. Almost everything that Arayun has is seen as a circus, and she is avoided for that. But only one trait is socially acceptable, and that is her medical expertise. Despite being an undying warrior, Arayun isn't all muscle only. Her knowledge in medicine provides a good aid for her fellow swordsmen, and as well allows her to use the knowledge against others, which can often result in making various antidotes, poisons or just aim for the spots that would make cuts like a real surgeon. It's worth mentioning that she has quite well dexterity, which is important for someone who takes the roles of both medical worker and swordsman, as it gives her benefits of ruling over the weapon with more ease. It's important to point out that she has an excellent chakra control, which lets her to make large and lethal hits and blows, as she is able to release chakra in one spot out of the sudden, causing the large damage that can be considered even a killing blow. Overall, she qualifies in ninjutsu, kenjutsu and stamina most, making her to be a disastrous enemy. As well, she is a sensory nin, but that's not extraodirnary.
「♚」 Preferred Weapon(s): Kiba
Owned Equipment: Kiba, kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs, poisoning syringes (x5), neutralizer syringes (x7), body scroll (x2), first aid kit.
「♚」Threat Level: Officially, in ranks, she is labeled as an A rank kunoichi, though ones who fought her before know that she is much more danger than one plain letter.
「♚」 Kekkei Genkai: Devouring Plague | This kkg has both passive and active ability. Passive ability allows user to eat anything organic, no matter on its state. As well, it gives high resistance on diseases. Active ability is healing ability; user can heal themselves only by eating something organic. 「♚」Strengths/Weaknesses: this kkg is mainly a surviving ability. It ensures that user wont starve from hunger and it can let user differ blood types or if body is suffering some disease. (Upon consuming). Major weakness of this kkg is that; its very slow and its not a combat kkg. It cannot be used during the battle, and it cannot heal major wounds or grow limbs. The most it can heal is a broken bone, and even that requires additional medical help. It cannot save user from lethal shots. It requires Yang release.
「♚」Chakra Natures: Lightning Release ( affinity ) | Water Release | Yang Release

❝I'll take you to the edge, and turn your regret into agony, and I'll never let you go, 'cause I know you'll come back to me.❞ | background

In the side streets of Kusagakure used to live one plain family. Grandparents Yuki and Mao, parents Kari and Takashi, and finally, their only child - Arayun. Kari was very strange woman; she was definitely not cut for a role of a mother. Stories tell that Arayun inherited all the bad traits from her. Takashi was a hard working blacksmith, and he provided the finest kunai and shuriken for the small village. Ever since Arayun was a child, she exposed her hot tempered and aggressive nature. From the early days, Kari fed her often with the bones from chicken soup, so she could teach Arayun later about the kekkei genkai they shared. Yuki, as a grandmother, was deeply disappointed in both Kari and Arayun, seeing as they were freaks of nature, something that shouldn't exist in the first place. Takashi loved Kari deeply, but he couldn't move out from his parents' house. He was convinced that Arayun has to grow up with grandparents too - and such a decision was very crucial to the whole childhood.
During the academy, Arayun was the troublemaker. She didn’t do it for the attention; she did it because she wanted to throw out all her anger. Because she grew up in constant annoyance and anger radiating from her grandmother, Arayun became naturally very easy to snap. Even for an average girl, Arayun had a strong fist and didn’t need too many reasons to beat the shit out of someone. Because of that, Arayun had to sit in detention nearly every single day. During the shuriken and kunai practice, she was shown to have quite fine aim. Her parent’s didn’t pay too much attention on her, which started worrying some of the academy teachers, considering she was a bloody fighter. At the age of twelve, Arayun was promoted to the genin rank, as she had offiicially became a ninja of Kusagakure. Albeit low one. She had a squad made of two boys who were not interested in cooperation with her, and a sensei who was there to keep her at bay. Many kids there disliked her for who she was, but they couldn’t help but admit that she had a ninja potential.
During her training with team, sensei Jairu noted that she had a quite fine chakra control, and very sharp aim, which is why he had tried to push her to learn kenjutsu. She had even show her ability to eat corpses, which made people only avoid her even further. For her fourteenth birthday, her father had made twin kamas which were made of praseodymium, while the blade itself had a citrine cut, making the weapon very durable and very sharp. Arayun kept training mostly strength, endurance and kenjutsu. However, the fateful night did not allow her to progress there anymore.
Out of nowhere, Takashi had suffered a heart attack. It was unexpected and deadly. Even today, grandmother Yuki claims that the reason of that heart attack is the fact Kari kept eating deceased animals. With him dead, there was nothing more that would stop grandparents to banish the two women out of their household. Kari and Arayun were forced to leave, with nothing to bring with themselves but memories. Arayun kept the twin kamas her father forged her. Feeling like an utter disappointment, Kari had fallen into a depression. Since the two didn’t have where to live, and widely disliked by whole Kusagakure, there was nothing else but to travel and try to find a new home.
The two had traveled all the way to Kirigakure, which took them a whole month to reach. Arayun would practice every day during their travels, knowing that they cannot allow to be weak now when they are all alone. Eventually when they came to Kirigakure as immigrants, they were offered a commune to rest in with some people who were random, also without homes or where to go. Kari and Arayun had to share the room with eight more people, which ultimately disgusted Arayun. Kari had found a job as a hotel room service, while Arayun couldn’t even get recorded in ninja list, so she was treated like a civilian immigrants. Taking that time, Arayun often practiced by herself. She would sometimes spy on others and watch them train, and then try to perform the same techniques. Sometimes it would work, but sometimes it’d be a failure. One of the people from commune, Amekira, had noticed Arayun training. She had offered Arayun to try to teach her medical ninjutsu, seeing as she was a kid with mom only. At first, Arayun was suspicious, but then she accepted.
For the next two years, Arayun was a civilian in commune. She trained by herself only, and learned the medical ninjutsu from Amekira. Finally, Kari managed to get citizenship for both herself and Ara, and as well to get a small apartment for them. The problem was that, they wouldn’t have money to buy food for some time, which was why Kari forced Arayun to eat what she finds in nature; mostly animals, no matter their condition. Arayun wasn’t troubled by it, but the trouble only started when some people spotted her doing it. Unlike Kusagakure, they just stared, and did nothing. Arayun remembered that, but didn’t bring it up for a while. Now, as an official citizen of Kirigakure, she had the right to get to the chunin exam. She was sixteen, and some people thought it was too late to take a chunin exam, but she did it. That chunin exam was a whole scene; it was a bloodbath. Arayun didn’t care for the rules of the battle; as long as she wins, she will pass. And her battles were gruesome, gory and hard to watch. When she fought, it was bestial. Erratic moves that were hard to read, and unusual moves with her kamas. Her first battles left some lethal injuries on the opponents, but there was also a battle where she had torn apart the face of her opponent, and even ate the flesh in front of all just to heal her wounds. Arayun knew that it would make her reputation low, but she didn’t care. After that battle, Arayun was left without rank because the decision for her was specific.
Under the strict deal with Mizukage and Hunter-nin leader, Arayun was bumped to the jonin rank, with a hunter-nin to be her sensei, however, he appeared like a jonin; his name was Kyūrosuki. Because of that ability and such animalistic fighting, she would be a good material for a hunter nin. She was taken in for a serious training, which Arayun had accepted gladly. She was said to have an extraordinary ability, but instead of being degraded about it, she was praised. She never really heard any good words about it, but hearing the good words, she was much more motivated. Arayun believed that Kirigakure was much more better village than Kusagakure, which was giving in opportunities. She kept training and training, from both offenses to the medical ninjutsu - she started growing love for the village. It had taken her three years to become a hunter-nin, and in an upcoming half of the year, she had made a name for herself; The Headhunter.
Her life had started getting much better since then. She also got tattoos over her back and arms, as well as she brought back a habit of smoking. Arayun was a kunoichi who was feared, and she was often used for nearly suicidal missions. But she had exceeded in them. Kyūrosuki was very invested in Arayun. He made her train a lot, but he also forged most of her ninja career. For only three years, she had become one of the most dangerous people in her generation. She was like a machine; just kill kill kill. She was skilled in both close and ranged combat, as she had a quite stable chakra control. As well, she was also granted a team; two fine ninjutsu and genjutsu specialists, Shinoa and Ken. She was supposed to be a little experiment, and Kyūrosuki was prone to spying on her...until she figured it out. Around her early young adulthood, Arayun noticed that he was always a bit too near. During her years of service within the team, she noticed that bits by bits, Shinoa and Ken would eventually seeming to plot something. While she was suspicious a bit, she never really researched it. But more was Kyūrosuki getting closer, more was she getting the unknown parts together.
When their team was signed to go to the Land of Snow, Arayun had figured that Shinoa and Ken were selling some information from Kyūrosuki, while he was keeping an eye on her. Such a thing had brought a great anger to her, and it caused her to get revenge. When they reached the Land of Snow, Shinoa suggested to separate. Little did he know that he was making himself a death wish. Arayun had secretly followed him, and waited for him to engage in combat with a couple of rogues they had to hunt. Once when it happened, Arayun had assassinated both her teammate and rogue, before eating him. Same future had reached up Ken as well, their blood coating Land of Snow. She severed their heads and sealed them, and then returned to Kirigakure. When she had a chance, she called Kyūrosuki out for suspicious manners. Such a topic seemed to be out of place for the two, but Arayun was persistent. In the end, Kyūrosuki pulled out weapons at her - and Arayun stopped viewing as a sensei - but rather an opponent.
The fight had burst out in the spot; it caused several damages to the street and surroundings, until Arayun managed to trick him; and with a fast move of her kamas, to stab him in waist, near vitals. Such a moment was supposed to serve for truth. To know why are things happening. Kyūrosuki asked her if she wanted to know why was she spied on, but instead of taking that, Arayun had purposely grasped his tongue, and dug it out, before eating it. She showed him the severed heads of teammates, showing it clearly that she wasn’t caring for the story. And like that, while he was alive and dying, she ate him. Bits by bits, to suffer. And when he died, she had left the body away, making sure it doesn’t look like she was the one to kill. Instead, she just waited for her shift in hospital and managed to be the one to assist in autopsy, so she can pull away clues from herself. She was proclaimed to be one of the best hunter nins to ever serve, and most deadly. She eventually joined the seven swordsmen of the mist, by being a wielder of Kiba - she was recognized worthy due to her skills and loyalty.
Arayun was about eighteen-nineteen, she was proclaimed as a most lethal ninja, just by using her twin kamas. However, Arayun was often found in situations where she can even be found weaponless, which was a major disadvantage for her. Judging by her chakra usage, she figured out that if she can create powerful ninjutsu by it, then she can form chakra into her liking, and use it for close combat. With that idea in her mind, she spent two years on learning how to expel chakra so easily, and how to make any use of it. At the very start, it was like a blind street; there was very little to nothing that she could do. But more she had focused the chakra flow into her hand and made it circulate over to her wist or foot, it would cause a mini blow, often breaking the item or just damaging heavily damaging trees. Through those two years, Arayun continued to practice that until she could use it properly. By the age of twenty two, she had finally managed to use it properly and cause several damage.
When Arayun was near age of twenty three, she was given Kiba swords as a mark of her loyalty and proof of her power. She was quite versatile with her jutsus, however, she was seeking for something more. She was amazed that she can summon real lightning and thunder with those swords, and being a greedy bastard, she wanted to take the full potential of that ability. Whenever it was cloud enough, Arayun would search for the highest hill in Kirigakure, and she would always try to summon some thunders. They were similar to the ones from her other jutsus, but it wasn't enough. It was draining to try over and over something that seemed so far-fetched, but Arayun was too stubborn to let it go. Over and over, she kept trying and trying, and it was taking months, before it turned into years. What Arayun figured out was that, she can only draw strong natural lightning if the clouds are set up properly, but since she lacked Fire chakra nature, she cannot have them appear by her will, rather just wait for weather to set up how she would like.
Finally, in her late twenty sixth year, Arayun had managed to take a grasp on how she could produce the lightning. She never got over the trouble of preparation for the jutsu, because she always needed to pray to the gods to have some bad weather so he can train for it; and when clouds were bending to her will, Arayun was able to make a move in this, but creating a slightly big natural lightning that would have a high velocity to strike at the target. It was a first half of the actual technique, before she had really managed to get to the point of Kirin, which took her another couple of months of intense training. Even now, it brings a slightly draining feel and takes a lot of time to preform the technique, which is why she is rarely able to use it directly in fight; instead, she can use it for a surprise attack or as a finishing move if she has time and if weather is matching her needs.